During the winter season my wish is that each of you, finds peace and stillness. Rest assured that we are all connected and experiencing frustration and sadness hopefully along with some joy and gratitude.

Add the pandemic to this season and we are at a different level in our own mental wellness and life. Nothing is simple, everything is questionable, we must listen to our hearts and be guided by common sense to move forward during this season. I have just recently launched my new website La Vie Mindful and included a digital library of Yoga and Mindfulness videos to ease into these practices from the comfort of your home.
If you would like to offer a Yoga or Mindfulness video to someone special for the holidays, a birthday or just because you care simply go to www.laviemindful.com and check out the Digital Library of offerings in french and English. There is a Step by step guide on how to make a purchase and also instructions for gifting a video to a loved one in your life.
Being a little more mindful during the winter season isn’t about pushing away or ignoring challenges, but giving ourself permission to feel and be with difficult moments in our life. It’s about noticing and being with those feelings and thoughts as they arise. Being in the present moment is what matters because we all know that life if full of impermanence and change, nothing is ever that simple and everlasting.
This season tell yourself it’s ok if it feels more stressful and overwhelming than usual, it makes sense with a pandemic. Offering yourself an extra dose of self kindness, nurturing your needs and giving a helping hand to others creates more nourishing moments for you. Allowing yourself to feel what you need to feel if this season is difficult for you. Connecting with others and with what really matters for you can strengthen resilience and balance in your life.
Wishing you a warm winter season to cultivate your daily practices of self-care by starting a new habit, rediscovering a hobby, meditating or doing some physical activity to increase your well-being. You will be inspiring yourself and others to a healthier path of mindful living.
“When we shine our collective light together, we are more resilient than when we walk the path alone.” Maya Angelou